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  • Quantized Transfer Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial

Quantized Transfer Learning for Computer Vision Tutorial

Author: Zafar Takhirov

Reviewed by: Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi

Edited by: Jessica Lin

This tutorial builds on the original PyTorch Transfer Learning tutorial, written by Sasank Chilamkurthy.

Transfer learning refers to techniques to use a pretrained model for application on a different data-set. Typical scenarios look as follows:

  1. ConvNet as fixed feature extractor: Here, you “freeze”[#1]_ the weights for all of the network parameters except that of the final several layers (aka “the head”, usually fully connected layers). These last layers are replaced with new ones initialized with random weights and only these layers are trained.

  2. Finetuning the convnet: Instead of random initializaion, you initialize the network with a pretrained network, like the one that is trained on imagenet 1000 dataset. Rest of the training looks as usual. It is common to set the learning rate to a smaller number, as the network is already considered to be trained.

You can also combine the above two scenarios, and execute them both: First you can freeze the feature extractor, and train the head. After that, you can unfreeze the feature extractor (or part of it), set the learning rate to something smaller, and continue training.

In this part you will use the first scenario – extracting the features using a quantized model.



“Freezing” the model/layer means running it only in inference

mode, and not allowing its parameters to be updated during the training.

We will start by doing the necessary imports:

# imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
import copy

plt.rc('axes', labelsize=18, titlesize=18)
plt.rc('figure', titlesize=18)
plt.rc('font', family='DejaVu Sans', serif='Times', size=18)
plt.rc('legend', fontsize=18)
plt.rc('lines', linewidth=3)
plt.rc('text', usetex=False)  # TeX might not be supported
plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=18)
plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=18)

Installing the Nightly Build

Because you will be using the experimental parts of the PyTorch, it is recommended to install the latest version of torch and torchvision. You can find the most recent instructions on local installation here. For example, to install on Mac:

pip install numpy
pip install --pre torch torchvision -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cpu/torch_nightly.html

For Linux:

!yes y | pip uninstall torch torchvision
!yes y | pip install --pre torch torchvision -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/nightly/cu101/torch_nightly.html

Load Data (section not needed as it is covered in the original tutorial)

We will use torchvision and torch.utils.data packages to load the data.

The problem you are going to solve today is classifying ants and bees from images. The dataset contains about 120 training images each for ants and bees. There are 75 validation images for each class. This is considered a very small dataset to generalize on. However, since we are using transfer learning, we should be able to generalize reasonably well.

This dataset is a very small subset of imagenet.


Download the data from

here and extract it to the data directory.

import requests
import os
import zipfile

DATA_URL = 'https://download.pytorch.org/tutorial/hymenoptera_data.zip'
DATA_PATH = os.path.join('.', 'data')
FILE_NAME = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hymenoptera_data.zip')

if not os.path.isfile(FILE_NAME):
  print("Downloading the data...")
  os.makedirs('data', exist_ok=True)
  with requests.get(DATA_URL) as req:
    with open(FILE_NAME, 'wb') as f:
  if 200 <= req.status_code < 300:
    print("Download complete!")
    print("Download failed!")
  print(FILE_NAME, "already exists, skipping download...")

with zipfile.ZipFile(FILE_NAME, 'r') as zip_ref:

DATA_PATH = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'hymenoptera_data')

import torch
from torchvision import transforms, datasets

# Data augmentation and normalization for training
# Just normalization for validation
data_transforms = {
    'train': transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
    'val': transforms.Compose([
        transforms.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])

image_datasets = {x: datasets.ImageFolder(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, x),
                  for x in ['train', 'val']}
dataloaders = {x: torch.utils.data.DataLoader(image_datasets[x], batch_size=16,
                                              shuffle=True, num_workers=8)
              for x in ['train', 'val']}
dataset_sizes = {x: len(image_datasets[x]) for x in ['train', 'val']}
class_names = image_datasets['train'].classes

device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")

Visualize a few images

Let’s visualize a few training images so as to understand the data augmentations.

import torchvision

def imshow(inp, title=None, ax=None, figsize=(5, 5)):
  """Imshow for Tensor."""
  inp = inp.numpy().transpose((1, 2, 0))
  mean = np.array([0.485, 0.456, 0.406])
  std = np.array([0.229, 0.224, 0.225])
  inp = std * inp + mean
  inp = np.clip(inp, 0, 1)
  if ax is None:
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=figsize)
  if title is not None:

# Get a batch of training data
inputs, classes = next(iter(dataloaders['train']))

# Make a grid from batch
out = torchvision.utils.make_grid(inputs, nrow=4)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(10, 10))
imshow(out, title=[class_names[x] for x in classes], ax=ax)

Training the model

Now, let’s write a general function to train a model. Here, we will illustrate:

  • Scheduling the learning rate

  • Saving the best model

In the following, parameter scheduler is an LR scheduler object from torch.optim.lr_scheduler.

def train_model(model, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, num_epochs=25, device='cpu'):
  since = time.time()

  best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict())
  best_acc = 0.0

  for epoch in range(num_epochs):
    print('Epoch {}/{}'.format(epoch, num_epochs - 1))
    print('-' * 10)

    # Each epoch has a training and validation phase
    for phase in ['train', 'val']:
      if phase == 'train':
        model.train()  # Set model to training mode
        model.eval()   # Set model to evaluate mode

      running_loss = 0.0
      running_corrects = 0

      # Iterate over data.
      for inputs, labels in dataloaders[phase]:
        inputs = inputs.to(device)
        labels = labels.to(device)

        # zero the parameter gradients

        # forward
        # track history if only in train
        with torch.set_grad_enabled(phase == 'train'):
          outputs = model(inputs)
          _, preds = torch.max(outputs, 1)
          loss = criterion(outputs, labels)

          # backward + optimize only if in training phase
          if phase == 'train':

        # statistics
        running_loss += loss.item() * inputs.size(0)
        running_corrects += torch.sum(preds == labels.data)
      if phase == 'train':

      epoch_loss = running_loss / dataset_sizes[phase]
      epoch_acc = running_corrects.double() / dataset_sizes[phase]

      print('{} Loss: {:.4f} Acc: {:.4f}'.format(
        phase, epoch_loss, epoch_acc))

      # deep copy the model
      if phase == 'val' and epoch_acc > best_acc:
        best_acc = epoch_acc
        best_model_wts = copy.deepcopy(model.state_dict())


  time_elapsed = time.time() - since
  print('Training complete in {:.0f}m {:.0f}s'.format(
    time_elapsed // 60, time_elapsed % 60))
  print('Best val Acc: {:4f}'.format(best_acc))

  # load best model weights
  return model

Visualizing the model predictions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Generic function to display predictions for a few images

def visualize_model(model, rows=3, cols=3):
  was_training = model.training
  current_row = current_col = 0
  fig, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=(cols*2, rows*2))

  with torch.no_grad():
    for idx, (imgs, lbls) in enumerate(dataloaders['val']):
      imgs = imgs.cpu()
      lbls = lbls.cpu()

      outputs = model(imgs)
      _, preds = torch.max(outputs, 1)

      for jdx in range(imgs.size()[0]):
        imshow(imgs.data[jdx], ax=ax[current_row, current_col])
        ax[current_row, current_col].axis('off')
        ax[current_row, current_col].set_title('predicted: {}'.format(class_names[preds[jdx]]))

        current_col += 1
        if current_col >= cols:
          current_row += 1
          current_col = 0
        if current_row >= rows:

Part 1. Training a Custom Classifier based on a Quantized Feature Extractor

In this section you will use a “frozen” quantized feature extractor, and train a custom classifier head on top of it. Unlike floating point models, you don’t need to set requires_grad=False for the quantized model, as it has no trainable parameters. Please, refer to the documentation https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/quantization.html_ for more details.

Load a pretrained model: for this exercise you will be using ResNet-18 https://pytorch.org/hub/pytorch_vision_resnet/_.

import torchvision.models.quantization as models

# We will need the number of filters in the `fc` for future use.
# Here the size of each output sample is set to 2.
# Alternatively, it can be generalized to nn.Linear(num_ftrs, len(class_names)).
model_fe = models.resnet18(pretrained=True, progress=True, quantize=True)
num_ftrs = model_fe.fc.in_features

At this point you need to mofify the pretrained model: Because the model has the quantize/dequantize blocks in the beginning and the end, butt we will only uuse the feature extractor, the dequantizatioin layer has to move right before the linear layer (the head). The easiest way of doing it is to wrap the model under the nn.Sequential.

The first step to do, is to isolate the feature extractor in the ResNet model. Although in this example you are tasked to use all layers except fc as the feature extractor, in reality, you can take as many parts as you need. This would be useful in case you would like to replace some of the convolutional layers as well.

Notice that when isolating the feature extractor from a quantized model, you have to place the quantizer in the beginning and in the end of it.

from torch import nn

def create_combined_model(model_fe):
  # Step 1. Isolate the feature extractor.
  model_fe_features = nn.Sequential(
    model_fe.quant,  # Quantize the input
    model_fe.dequant,  # Dequantize the output

  # Step 2. Create a new "head"
  new_head = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(num_ftrs, 2),

  # Step 3. Combine, and don't forget the quant stubs.
  new_model = nn.Sequential(
  return new_model

new_model = create_combined_model(model_fe)


Currently the quantized models can only be run on CPU.

However, it is possible to send the non-quantized parts of the model to a GPU.

import torch.optim as optim
new_model = new_model.to('cpu')

criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

# Note that we are only training the head.
optimizer_ft = optim.SGD(new_model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9)

# Decay LR by a factor of 0.1 every 7 epochs
exp_lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer_ft, step_size=7, gamma=0.1)

Train and evaluate

This step takes around 15-25 min on CPU. Because the quantized model can only run on the CPU, you cannot run the training on GPU.

new_model = train_model(new_model, criterion, optimizer_ft, exp_lr_scheduler,
                        num_epochs=25, device='cpu')


Part 2. Finetuning the quantizable model

In this part, we fine tune the feature extractor used for transfer learning, and quantize the feature extractor. Note that in both part 1 and 2, the feature extractor is quantized. The difference is that in part 1, we use a pretrained quantized model. In this part, we create a quantized feature extractor after fine tuning on the data-set of interest, so this is a way to get better accuracy with transfer learning while having the benefits of quantization. Note that in our specific example, the training set is really small (120 images) so the benefits of fine tuning the entire model is not apparent. However, the procedure shown here will improve accuracy for transfer learning with larger datasets.

The pretrained feature extractor must be quantizable, i.e we need to do the following: 1. Fuse (Conv, BN, ReLU), (Conv, BN) and (Conv, ReLU) using torch.quantization.fuse_modules. 2. Connect the feature extractor with a custom head. This requires dequantizing the output of the feature extractor. 3. Insert fake-quantization modules at appropriate locations in the feature extractor to mimic quantization during training.

For step (1), we use models from torchvision/models/quantization, which support a member method fuse_model, which fuses all the conv, bn, and relu modules. In general, this would require calling the torch.quantization.fuse_modules API with the list of modules to fuse.

Step (2) is done by the function create_custom_model function that we used in the previous section.

Step (3) is achieved by using torch.quantization.prepare_qat, which inserts fake-quantization modules.

Step (4) Fine tune the model with the desired custom head.

Step (5) We convert the fine tuned model into a quantized model (only the feature extractor is quantized) by calling torch.quantization.convert


Because of the random initialization your results might differ

from the results shown here.

model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True, progress=True, quantize=False)  # notice `quantize=False`
num_ftrs = model.fc.in_features

# Step 1
# Step 2
model_ft = create_combined_model(model)
model_ft[0].qconfig = torch.quantization.default_qat_qconfig  # Use default QAT configuration
# Step 3
model_ft = torch.quantization.prepare_qat(model_ft, inplace=True)

Finetuning the model

We fine tune the entire model including the feature extractor. In general, this will lead to higher accuracy. However, due to the small training set used here, we end up overfitting to the training set.

# Step 4. Fine tune the model

for param in model_ft.parameters():
  param.requires_grad = True

model_ft.cuda()  # We can fine-tune on GPU

criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()

# Note that we are training everything, so the learning rate is lower
# Notice the smaller learning rate
optimizer_ft = optim.SGD(model_ft.parameters(), lr=1e-3, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.1)

# Decay LR by a factor of 0.3 every several epochs
exp_lr_scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer_ft, step_size=5, gamma=0.3)

model_ft_tuned = train_model(model_ft, criterion, optimizer_ft, exp_lr_scheduler,
                             num_epochs=25, device='cuda')

# Step 5. Convert to quantized model

from torch.quantization import convert

model_quantized_and_trained = convert(model_ft_tuned, inplace=False)

Lets see how the quantized model performs on a few images



Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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